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Meyer, N. L., Sacchi, G., Sartori, C., Fischer, C. (2024). Establishing alternative grain networks: A comparison of case experiences in South Tyrol, Italy, and Colorado, United States. JAFSCD, 13(3)
Fiche de lecture : International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES Food). (2024). Résumé - Alimentation ancrée: les marchés territoriaux comme piliers de la résilience et de la sécurité alimentaire.
Fiche de lecture : Griffin, R., G., & Phillips, M. (2024). The farm shop as a retroscaped place of experiential consumption. Sociologia Ruralis, 1-26.
Fiche de lecture :
Roy, H., (2024). Connecting farmers’ markets to foodservice businesses: A qualitative exploration of restaurants’ perceived benefits and challenges of purchasing food locally. Journal of hospitality & tourism administration, 25(3), 602-637.
Fiche de lecture :
Key, N. (2024). Direct-to-Consumer marketing and the survival and growth of beginning farms. Journal of agricultural and resource economics, 49(1
Fiche de lecture :
Rossi, A., Piccoli, A. & Feola, G. (2024). Transforming labour around food? The experience of community supported agriculture in Italy. Agriculture and human values
Fiche de lecture :
Son, S. (2024). Constructing «local» and «sustainable»: A critical analysis of place-based public food procurement. Geoforum, 150