Fiche de lecture : 

Curtis, K. R., Drugova, T., Knudsen, T., Reeve, J., & Ward, R. (2020). Is Organic Certification Important to Farmers’ Market Shoppers or Is Eco-friendly Enough?. HortScience, 1(aop), 1-10.

Fiche de lecture :

Thilmany, D., Canales, E., Low, S. A., & Boys, K. Local Food Supply Chain Dynamics and Resilience during COVID‐19. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.

Fiche de lecture :

Melkonyan, A., Gruchmann, T., Lohmar, F., Kamath, V., & Spinler, S. (2020). Sustainability assessment of last-mile logistics and distribution strategies: The case of local food networks. International Journal of Production Economics, 107746.

Fiche de lecture :

Hermesse, J., Van der Linden, M., & Plateau, L. (2020). Le bénévolat, un soutien au maraîchage professionnel agroécologique en phase d’installation. VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 20(1).

Fiche de lecture :

Sitaker et al. (2020 a). Balancing Social Values with Economic Realities. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1-15.


Sitaker et al. (2020 b). Helping Farmers with Continuation Planning for Cost-Offset Community Supported Agriculture to Low-Income Families. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1-20.

Fiche de lecture : 

CEP (2020). Les écarts entre alimentation déclarée et alimentation réelle : observations et applications.

Fiche de lecture :

Bharucha, Z. P., Weinstein, N., Watson, D., & Boehm, S. (2020). Participation in local food projects is associated with better psychological well-being: evidence from the East of England. Journal of Public Health42(2), e187-e197.

Fiche de lecture :

Henshaw, T. L. (2019). Is the Emergence of the “Fresh Prep” Food Service Provider an Entrée into Local Foods?. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 41(2), 140-148.